The Fund team has been working almost 24 hours a day during latest 10 days, searching relatives of the murdered persons, collecting the documents and arranging charitable payments for the bereaved families. The complete list of the families our Fund has already helped, is presented below:
It is a reminder that Leonid Mikailovich Chernovetski donated 10 million hryvnias to bereaved families of Maidan. He said: “I will be able to distinguish murderer from person aggrieved”. We give consideration to all documents, irrespectively of the fact, which side a murdered person was at.
The complete list of the families our Fund has already helped is presented below.
Required documents received, requisites are being checked up: viplacheno
1. Kipiani David
2. Senik Roman, Lvivsjka oblast, Novoyarivski district
We don’t have yet required documents or facts to confirm the payments for the relatives of the following persons:
Goroshishin Maxim Maximovich, 1988, Cherkasska oblast, Grushovka country.
The list of the persons, whose relatives we have contacted but have no documents obtained yet, is presented below:
Plekhanov Alexander Victorovich
Besides, we couldn’t find any contacts of
Zhanovachi Andrei Bogdanovich, 1964, who died on 18th of February
It is a reminder that we applied ourselves to the Acting Minister of the Interior A.B.Avakov with request to view cases of every died policeman or military man and to conclude whether these died people had used weapon or had become victims of circumstances. It is important for us. We are looking forward to hearing from him soon.
Click links below to see copy of our letter to A.B.Avakov: list1.jpg list2.jpg list3.jpg
We understand that nothing will recall to life people, died on Maidan. Thousands of people are feeling grief and pain now. Many of them have lost not only closest people, but the only support in life. And now these persons have nothing, they simply found themselves without means of any support.
That is why the aid we are providing – is only beginning. We will think over how to arrange regular support for these persons to help them bring up, educate and treat their kids, we will arrange health care for aged people, mothers etc