I think everyone deeply in the spirit wants to help other persons, reduce their sufferings do something good and be of service to people.
But we don’t have much time to do good deeds, with the thousand and one worries of our lives.
I was living dynamic life, working in different companies on different executive posts, but my wish to deal with charitable activity never disappeared. And now I have got a chance to fulfill my dream and I am ready to my best.
The founder and major patron Leonid Chernovetski has offered me to take the lead of one of the biggest charitable Funds in Ukraine, which helps, in fact, not in word, 1500-2000 persons in need every day. I accept this office with joy. As a matter of fact, I have moved to this job all my life! I will start fulfilling the most challenging dreams and targets that will make lives of the poor easier and better. I will study the needs of poor people to give them everything they have had lack of for many years. I will help the homeless and the sick, the poor and those who lost all hopes for better future; I will help children and aged people. And the only thought I am capable to make this world a bit better, encourages me and give me confidence, that my work in the Fund will change lives of thousands of poor Ukrainians for better.
My task is to attract as many people as possible to a charitable activity, to develop charity culture in Ukraine, to make the Fund even more known and recognized. To make any business person or common person feel honor when making donation in favor of our charitable projects and programs. With our joined efforts we can make this world better!
President of Charitable Fund “Social Partnership”
Elena Nikolaevna Polischuk