You find courage to do good deeds in such a difficult period for our country. We are happy to meet you in “Furshet” chain stores. “Dobrovozik” deliver food from your kind hearts to the poor visitors of day care center “Stephania”, including children from low0income families, disabled persons, lonely pensioners and the homeless.
323 persons took part in charitable act and donated products to the amount of 7463 hryvnias. These products will be enough to provide seven hundred people with wholesome dinner!
Dorovozik will visit “Furshet” chain stores on coming week-end by following addresses:
17-21, Baggovutovskaya street
Yaroslavskaya street
4, Lunacharski street
1a, Sportivnaya street
94/1 Pobeda avenue
6, Sosura street
1, Magnitogorskaya
It is so easy to help person in need. We will make this world better with our joined efforts.