We have raised 2505 hryvnias for little patients of “Okhmatdet” clinic thanks to your support and kindness. Action at the site “KupiSkidku” was confined to the Day of children protection and all raised funds will be directed on a purchasing of wheelchairs. We are glad that 66 philanthropists answered our call for help!
Your help is vital for these babies! Can you imagine that nurses had to carry children after surgeries to the rooms in own arms?
We can buy only one wheelchair for this money, so we decided to ask patrons of our Fund for help and hope to purchase several special wheelchairs for the children.
Thank you for help. We are very glad that the children receive support of such compassionate and kind people like you.
Specialists of “Okhmatdet” clinic are assessing type of the wheelchairs they require. We will buy wheelchairs and provide you with documents and photo-report.
Smiles on child faces depend on us!
There must be many more smiles now!