It is very tough period for Ukraine now. Every day dozens, hundreds of brave Ukrainian warriors defense our country, fulfilling their duty to Ukraine, getting wounded, sustaining injuries… They are ready to do everything for Ukraine.
But yet some things are not going well for now. Wounded warriors are admitted to I.I. Mechnikov clinical hospital in Dnepropetrovsk city on daily basis. They need expensive medicines, their lives depend on. “Meronem”, one of such medicines, - is an expensive antibiotic drug manufactured in Europe. Wounded person must take the drug 8 times a day. This antibiotic is a powerful catalytic agent, which is able to put a person on his legs in a short period of time.
Unfortunately, the hospital cannot purchase these antibiotics. That is why we must join our efforts and help wounded guys, who fought for each of us!
And now their lives depend on us. We must do our best to help them survive, to help them see their children, parents, wives and sisters.
Do not stand aloof! The grief unites people and United we stand, divided we fall.