There are so many kind-hearted people around. Only through help of unindifferent persons and Ukrainian Philantropic Marketplace we could collect and give such vital blood coagulation medicines as “Meronem” "Octaplex" and "Tachocomb" for ATO wounded soldiers to I.I.
Mechnikov clinical hospital in Dnepropetrovsk city. But, unfortunately our soldiers die and get hurt even during an armistice. That is why there is a permament need of liesaving medical supplies.
In order to help critically wounded soldiers, the doctors from I.I. Mechnikov clinical hospital asked us for help in purshasing Clexane and Geparin, medicines, desighed for a venous thrombosis treatment. UCF "Social Partnership" appeals to all conscientious citizens to support our project, directed on a procurement of medical supplies for our wounded patriots. Do not be indifferent! Let's help our defenders recover from the effects of the war and return to normal life.
We are doing good deeds together! United
we stand, divided we fall.
Очень жаль, когда молодые ребята уходят на войну, и невероятно грустно, когда эти ребята получают ранения или гибнут на поле боя. Низкий поклон тем, кто помогает нашим защитникам встать на ноги.
Вместе мы победим!