“I must change my life” – Everyone arrives at this idea at some stage of life. Sometimes staying at the very edge…or even at the bottom of an abyss, having lost all relatives and friends, one still can find a strength to say to oneself “I must change my life”.
People with worn destinies, lives, destroyed by alcohol, bereaved souls come to day care center “Stephania”. All they need to start changing their lives is a consulting with an experienced psychotherapist. They string themselves up to and get ready to fight through every hardship.
A special mutual aid group called “Community” was established in the Personality Recovering Center. There are 14 persons in this group for a current moment. They want to recover sib and social connections, get back to normal life. Every group member undergoes individual social adaptation course.
The results are impressive!
Many participants (more than half, actually)show new capabilities in art, ex crane operators learn computer programming, draw beautiful picture or work in wood. Half of work is done – if a person has interests in one’s life it means he (she) is on the right path he will be able to communicate with other people and plan future goals!
Day care Center “Stephania” also helps the poor tidy themselves and solve legal problems concerning renewal of lost documents,.
The specialist consider their work successful if a person finds a job and reunites with one’s family.
As a rule all participants find a job during a rehabilitation course. Unfortunately not so many people succeed in family reunification. Andthisproblembecomesanothertestforarehabilitant. If a person finds a strength to move forward, if his relatives turned away, then this person will definitely be able to get back to society and live a life of independence.
Generally, people, who underwent a personality recovering program become philanthropists. After all, if a person gets support from society, he(she) will never forget this and will try to help another person in need.
Please don’t turn away from the poor. His destiny and life depends on you!
Support the program!