Every day we save people the world turned away from. Galina B is one of them. Dissipation, alcohol and prison and as consequences - woman lost everything she had in her life. But fortunately, we believed in Galina and gave her a chance to start a new life. And she didn’t let us down.
Galina was growing in a rich family. Her parents were trying to give her everything she wanted and Galina became selfish girl. Ten years of dissipation alcoholism and committing to prison – her parents couldn’t outlive all this.
After discharge Galina moves to Kiev to her friend. Poor food and alcohol have caused serious health problems. The doctors diagnosed cirrhosis.
One day Galina heard a talk between two aged women who discussed a soup kitchen. She also came there. Galina says “I still remember taste of borsch and hot tea with sugar that warmed me that frosty day”.
She came to our soup kitchen every day during 6 months. She managed to renew her passport and think about her life. And she decided to do some good things for the Fund in consideration of saving her from starvation.
Galina asked our employee if she can help somehow. She was offered to clean the premises were homeless people come every day. She was doing her job very well. We helped her with medical history sheet and offer her to work at our kitchen. Soon Galina began helping our cooks making meal for the homeless. She was talented pupil and the Fund paid for her culinary express-courses.
After getting some experience the woman went to work in an eating house at a Regional Council of a town C. Local authorities provided Galina with a room in a hostel.
Galina still stays in touch with employees of the Fund and remembers who extend helping hand in tough time of her life.
Kindheartedness can change people!
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