With warm in one’s heart
Kostya is 32 years old and he still has child hopefulness and optimism. He was not broken neither by life in an orphan house nor by his constantly drinking native brother and mother.
Konstantin is a beggar. Every day he walks the subway cars to gather alms.
Konstantin has been taking meal at one of our mobile points of “Social Patrol”. When he took a plate of soup for the first time he kissed a hand of our female social worker. Our employees were pleasantly surprised by Kostya’s manners. Despite his social status this man can be thankful for small mercies and give his warm to the others.
We are surrounded by people who may seem to be strange or stupid but each of them has big heart that melts with warm and kindness. So let’s just give smiles to each other.
To support our service “Social Patrol” that gives food to 1500 persons, please, click here.