Galina Ivanovna works as a concierge in a common unremarkable apartment building. Once she noticed n announcement about clothes collection for the homeless and couldn’t stand aside.
She organized clothes collection in the building where she worked. As she is respected by the building’s residents, she could convince half of the residents to donate old unnecessary clothes for charity purposes. Galina Ivanovna has gathered all the stuff for several days. And after all things were collected and packed – she called Charity Fund “Social Partnership” and asked us to come and take the stuff for the homeless. The Fund truck arrived the following day to load 28 huge bags with clothes.
“I didn’t expect such response to my request, actually. I thought two neighbors would donate couple of old things and all. And here…wow” says Galina Ivanovna to our fund employee, who is taking the bags.
Charity Fund “Social Partnership” has been implementing clothes collection project “Kyivans for Kyivans” since 2012. Every citizen of Kyiv can bring the old, but warm clothes to our Fund to give them to those in need. We are sincerely thankful to such persons as Galina Ivanovna, who are ready to spend a little bit of own time to support people in distress!
Cold season is on the way! The homeless need warm clothes more and more day by day. Don’t stand aside! Help! Turn over your old clothes, find warm ones and bring them to our Fund. We will distribute all the clothes among poor and homeless visitors of day help center “Stephania”. By doing this you are saving lives of poor people!
Tel: (044) 591 54 43