National holiday, devoted to people dealing with charity, was celebrated in Ukraine on the 8th of December. It is hold annually in the second Sunday of December.
Charity Day was recognized as official national holiday in 2007, when President (at that date) Viktor Yushchenko, in support of initiatives of nongovernmental organizations, has sighed Act №1220 /2007 “About Charity Day”. The holiday was introduced to develop Humanism and compassion principles, to promote development of philanthropy in Ukraine.
The sense of “charity” – to do good, to provide grant assistance to those in need. Such assistance can take different forms: volunteer works, provision of services, donation of things or property, financial support. Everyone can be philanthropist, not only charity funds and organizations, but private persons as well.
You can also join us and help people in need!
Winter came, first snow has already fallen and homeless people, living on the streets, need hot meal and warm clothes.
Turn over your old clothes, pick some old but usable things and bring them to day help center “Stephania”. Bring food products also, or help people as a volunteer.
Support projects of the Fund. Proect description is presented here:
on our web-page in Facebook,
like us, make reposts, tell friends and relatives about us and our activities.
We appreciate any help of yours!