A 24-hour heating point is opened in day center “Stephania” every year. There were no exclusions this winter as well.
A 24-hour heating point has been opened in the territory of day center “Stephania”, every winter as cold falls since 2011. Any person in need can come here and stay for the duration of the frost. Hot meal distribution as well as a distribution of warm and clean clothes is organized in this place. All the clothes are donated by locals under the project “Kyivans for Kyivans” on a daily basis.
2543 persons visited our heating point last winter. The heating point is able to take up to 200 people at a time.
“Allegedly, there are 10 to 30 thousand homeless persons in Kyiv. As winter comes they all need wholesome food, warm clothes and a shelter”. Taking into account political situation in Ukraine some of the younger homeless can go to Maidan, but it will be difficult for old men and disabled people to stay overnight in the open air, even by the fire. Therefore, it is crusial for them to have quiet and calm place where they can obtain medical care, take meal, warm up and have some rest”- says Artem Makeev, President of Charity Fund “Social Partnership”.
We cannot stand aside in this situation. After all, human life – is a supreme value! Support our 24-hour heating point here: https://socpartnerstvo.org/ru/donate?projects=83&amount=15/ and help people save their lives!