Any human, who came upon trouble and was left destitute against his will, who was left without a roof over the head, without friends and family, without identification documents, will take this hard both mentally and physically. Without mentioning his chances to stay calm and keep rational behavior.
Just imagine that you have lost documents, money, and roof over your head, your friends turned away from you, or they are too far and you cannot connect with them! Did you imagine? May be you will say you would handle this situation. And many people really are able to overcome all the difficulties and everything ends well for them. But many people are not as strong as you are! That is why they need our help and support in such situation. They simply cannot make it themselves!
The Domestic services Center of day help center for the poor "Stephania" – is the first aid and the way out for people in this situation. Where else can a poor person take a shower, get his hair cut, make a call, and obtain necessary clothes??? We localized all essential services for humans in one place.
Ordinary things for us, became very important for the person in need. And these vital simple things save human lives
Help those in need! Support such a needful project!
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