The children's canteen fund daily children come from poor families. Many of them grow up without a father, and their mother raising children can not get a regular job and live on welfare from the state, which is not enough even for the most necessary things, not to mention the opportunity to prepare their children for school.
In this project, we collect funds for office supplies and backpacks for children whose parents can not do it without our help.
Set Chancellery includes t etradi, d nevnik with a cover, etc. Folder for notebooks A-5, p Učka with push mechanism, a arandashi, la stick, that ochilka l uler, f lomastery, p vetnaya paper, c vetnoy cardboard, and lbom or folder for drawing, to Raska watercolor and gouache, with TACAN-pot, etc. alitra to Isti to paint and glue, n ozhnitsy to lei liquid and glue stick, p Učka colored to arandashi color, m Arcuri or highlighter.
Get inspired by good deeds and join our initiative, because children - this is the best that we have!