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Our friends and partners:

  • Ukrorgsintez
    Scientific-Production Enterprise "Ukrorgsintez" produces laboratory furniture, reagents and equipment since 2004, manufacturing high-quality and affordable products. The company has shown indifferent to the fate of the poor and acquired kitchen Fund commercial vegetable cutter, which will help prepare more than 2,500 servings of food every day!
  • Fred & Fresh
    Fred & Fresh - an expert in the field of corporate catering. Prepares affordable, tasty and healthy food made from natural ingredients, original recipes. The company's motto: "do today - eaten today." Sandwiches, salads and desserts, which are not submitted on the day of preparation, are transferred to the "Social Partnership" fund at the end of the day.
  • GUNA
    Company «GUNA» was founded in Italy in 1983 as a distributor and importer of homeopathic preparations European manufacturers. «GUNA» - the most significant pharmaceutical company in Italy, which purposefully introducing the latest scientific innovation in the development and production of medicines. Company social activity and helps the Foundation to collect food for the action "Dobrovozik" in stores.
    UKRINTEL is a company of professionals in the field of interior design and architecture. Works since 1999. There are both individuals and large organizations among the company's customers. UKRINTEL donates a part of each order to the Fund's projects. The customer can choose the project which he wants to help, joining in this way to the charity.
  • Vsemkupon
    "Vsemkupon" occupies a leading position on the Ukrainian market discounts. The company offers a free daily discounts in the best restaurants and coffee bars of Kiev, salons and health centers of the capital, in a fascinating quest rooms and noisy bowling clubs. And it's all collected in one site. Get more out of life! Saver with Vsemkupon! The company is actively uchastivuet in charitable activities and help raise funds for the Foundation projects via their website!
    OGOGO CAFE - this place is a new format that takes into account the needs of modern man. The first among the cafes in Kiev, who have made all your favorite food is not only delicious, but also useful, and the atmosphere in the restaurant not only have, but also fun. In OGOGO CAFE You can buy colorful souvenir magnet Fund, and donate money in bright coin box.
  • Crowdfunding with Conscience
    A unique opportunity to implement any socially significant project by combining the efforts of many people. Our motto: «Good in action!»
  • Bose
    The company "Bose" supports "Social Partnership" projects , collect the money for the purchase of a karaoke system for children from poor and large families, single pensioners and other visitors to the Center of assistance to the poor in Kiev.
  • Genesis
    The company Genesis - experts in user acquisition and traffic monetization in all major geographies. The team of Genesis company raises funds for the Children's products to the dining room.
  • Велика Кишеня
    Велика кишеня - one of the largest retail chains in Ukraine. Partner Promotions weekly collection of products "Dobrovozik."
  • "AkademSfera"
    Study abroad company "AkademSfera". Media partner. Supports the project "Chilren kitchen”
  • Tutor company “Buky”
    Tutor company “Buky”. Media partner. Supports the project "School sets for children-refugees”.
  • Chytaika
    Chytaika - internet shop of books. Media partner. Supports the project "First aid kits for single pensioners"
  • Hilt
    Hilt - internet shop of designer items. Media partner. Supports the activity of "Children's kitchen".
  • Prostobank
    Prostobank is a informational partner to our Fund.
  • SuperDeal
    He is a regular partner of the Fund in action for the collection to the needs of small visitors center "Stephanie"
  • "Pizza Celentano"
    Fastfood always there, close to the home or office, weekdays, weekends and holidays. You will find helpful staff and consistently positive atmosphere. Serves only fresh products are rich in trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Pasta, pancakes, salads, soups, drinks, desserts and real coffee. "Pizza Celentano" - every day new experiences and discoveries!
  • University of Banking NBU
    This profile university network of the National Bank of Ukraine with the sole innovatsiynoy strategy training of highly qualified specialists. University students held a lecture for large families on the basics of financial literacy. Lectures are designed to reduce the basic economic mistakes of the population.
  • Admixer
    Company Admixer - the largest seylc-hauc on the Ukrainian market of Internet advertising. Advertising Network was launched in 2008. At present, it includes all the major Ukrainian top platform and a large number of specialized sites. Advertise on individual sites, and thematic packages.
  • Караван
    One of the first network of shopping centers in Ukraine with more than 10-year history. Partner Promotions weekly collection of products "Dobrovozik."
  • Новус
    NOVUS - a dynamic network of supermarkets, shopping centers and convenience stores. One of the most successful and most promising multiformat networks in Ukraine. Partner Promotions weekly collection of products "Dobrovozik"
  • Фуршет
    The first national supermarket chain, has implemented the world's best standards of service. One of the largest in Ukraine retailers. Partner Promotions weekly collection of products "Dobrovozik"
  • Topmart
    The basic principle - all austerity and maintain low prices. Partner Promotions weekly collection of products "Dobrovozik"
  • Good Day Pharmacy
    National Pharmaceutical Network "Pharmacy Good Day" - a convenient format pharmacy service: a combination of the traditions of classical pharmacy with fast and high-quality service and convenience store. Permanent partner of the Foundation in raising funds for the needy categories of people.
  • afisha.tut.ua
    City Expert. Information partner.
  • "Saymont Tei"
    The company is the official manufacturer of clothing in Ukraine, and owns two brands Saymont Tay ™ and Alfonso ™. Garment factory passed our wards a new truck and quality clothing. Mostly it is for men, women and teenage suits, jackets and coats.
  • Diamond TV
    Diamond TV - крупнеший оператор сети цифровых рекламных носителей в торгово-развлекательных центрах г.Киев. Информационный партнер Фонда.
  • "KORONA" - Salon health and beauty
    This area of ​​home comfort, tranquility, mental and physical comfort, where you can realize all the wildest fantasies of beauty, choose your own individual style, to find external beauty, self-confidence, become a successful person! Supported by a large family, listed on its account 2000 UAH.
  • Charitable Organization «Ukrainian Philanthropists Association»
    All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization «Ukrainian Philanthropists Association» is Ukraine's first professional association of charitable foundations and organizations.
  • Ukrainian Red Cross Society
    The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is a voluntary nation wide humanitarian public organization.
  • Charitable Ukraine
    The aim of the competition is to develop an effective social-oriented philanthropy in Ukraine, improving the quality of communication between donors and recipients, creating additional opportunities for productive dialogue. Fund "Social Partnership" was the winner of the National Contest "Charitable Ukraine" in 2012 and 2013. in the nomination "Charitable Foundation." News on the organization's website: http://blagoukraine.org/ukr/news/136.html
    FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless, was established in 1989 as a European non-governmental organisation to prevent and alleviate the poverty and social exclusion of people threatened by or living in homelessness.
  • United Nations Global Compact
    The United Nations Global Compact is a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. The Global Compact asks companies to embrace universal principles and to partner with the United Nations. It has grown to become a critical platform for the UN to engage effectively with enlightened global business.
  • InterContinental Kiev
    Thanks to help from the hotel InterContinental Kyiv ( InterContinental Kiev ) , which manages the corporation IHG, the team was able to organize fund system and large-scale assistance to pensioners , the disabled, large families and homeless people who just need medicine . Medications will need to receive according to their needs , because everyone knows that the prices of some medicines reach 100 USD, and sometimes higher. Where did poor pensioners such amounts on medication ? Now everyone can get them absolutely free 31 point mobile assistance and charity center, " Stephanie ", and it all Kiev and almost 2000 people a day .
  • Auchan
    Every week in supermarkets "Crossroads ", "Novus" and " Auchan" a charity event to raise food - " Dobrovozik "" Dobrovozik " - a charity project to collect food for the poor. Thanks to an organized system of the project , become philanthropists month from 4 to 6000 Kiev. These poor people pass products by about 40 thousand hryvnia per month . This amount covers about 30 % of the products necessary for the daily feeding of 1,300 people on social patrol routes and 550 people in a stationary dining Fund .
    Multistore “METRO” had donated food products to the charity soup-kitchen of day help center for the poor “Stephania”. We had been feeding our visitors with these products for three months.
  • PR-Agency “MediaBrand”
    PR-Agency “MediaBrand” supports our Fund on an ongoing basis. It assists in planning and conducting of publicity campaigns focused on a popularization of a charity and activities of the Fund.
  • Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum
    Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum (aka Ukrainian Charity Forum) - Ukraine's first professional association of charitable foundations and organizations. Forum was established in 2004 at the initiative of seven international and domestic foundations. Forum is a member of DAFNE - The Donors and Foundations' Networks in Europe; WINGS - Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support network, and a signatory of the UN Global Compact Ukrainian network. "Social partnership" is a proud member of association.
  • Kyiv city state administration
    Ukrainian Fund “Social partnership” and Kyiv city state administration have been cooperating within the framework of the Fund’s projects for 10 years.
  • Pirosmani
    Restaurant and hotel complex "Pirosmani" - fine Georgian cuisine, cozy atmosphere, live music, a spacious hall. Best restaurant for a wedding.
  • KRT
    KRT – is a popular publicity and educational television channel in Ukraine. It is family, intelligent channel for those who can think and empathize, who wants to develop and improve himself spiritually. It is the only TVchannel with a social status in Ukraine. The channel functions under the principles of morality, honor and beneficence.
  • Kuehne + Nagel
    More than a thousand things handed employees visitors center "Stefania"
  • Aquamarket
    Aquamarket - Contemporary service for the delivery of drinking water and related products "Aquamarket" from its inception, the Foundation collaborates with the "Social Partnership" providing quality bottled drinking water.