Behind the artist Eugene Razdzievskogo dozens of exhibitions, hundreds of paintings and international plenarii. Alas, no talent saved the artist from the vicissitudes of fate. Studio on Andrew's descent has long been an artist and home and work. He painted there, held exhibitions, live ... Everything changed in one day - in the studio of the artist broke the two men and asked to vacate the premises. So the artist in a moment he lost his dear abode.
For a long time Evgeny Pavlovich took shelter with friends and trying to make a living paintings, but nothing worked. Black Stripe trouble if pursued Eugene.
In the end, it turned out to be a talented artist on the street. Driven almost to despair, he had not counted on the aid. But fortunately, he learned about the fund "Social Partnership", which just looked for an artist!
Eugene liking his new studio, and for four months he teaches homeless people to draw. The artist convinced that drawing can dramatically change people, and art therapy is indispensable for those who went astray. "Drawing is able to elevate man to the level creator. It increases self-esteem and helps to distract from the problems, "- says the artist.
Our visitors come from the art studio elated and inspired. It is very important component of a full-fledged return to society is a creative development. Eugene has got students and painted 20 paintings of the Fund and the homeless. Here the artist has managed to recover a passport, to find a new home and friends.