Stories about what tricks have to go for older people to be able to live on tiny pensions, we admire and sorrowful at the same time!
Once the car "Social patrol" came the old woman, who was based on two sticks and was shabbily dressed. Zoya Andreyevna - namely because her name - was born in '34 and has recently experienced a stroke. Pensions are sorely lacking - and that's come up with on what you can save. For example, my grandmother saves water, my hands only to the elbows, and legs - knees.
Alas, poverty and deprivation Zoe is no stranger - in my childhood a little girl, an orphan takes care of distant relatives who are not very well she was treated.
Since then, the old lady spared all children and are constantly looking for ways to help their grandchildren: she, for example, finds in the trash old kitchen utensils, cleans it up to the light, ignoring the pain in pokruchennyh rheumatic joints, and then directly to the nights starting to come in time to 6 hours standing at the bus stop in order to get to the spontaneous market ...
When Zoya Andreevna heard about our day center "Stephanie", where you can get about 20 services, she was delighted.
Alas, all of the above - it's the harsh realities of life of a significant part of today's pensioners ...