Heavy life circumstances led us to Olga. The woman, who is now coming to the point Social Patrol, 11 years working in Zhytomyr oblmuzdramteatre! With her first husband, however, went. But the second man was PE in Zhytomyr, where he eventually Olga and took the post of the chief accountant. The family raised three children from two marriages.
But trouble came suddenly: Olga's mother died and burned down his parents' home. Left without inheritance, the woman began to suffer humiliation and insults from her husband.
The man walked away only one ashamed disagreeable wife. Prohibitions and Olga communicate with friends ... For two years she suffered beatings. It seemed no way out.
But one morning, Olga took a firm decision: to change your life. 19-year-old daughter just went to study in Poland, and of steel two children Olga attach to her first husband. Itself under the pretext that he was going to Kiev to work, left the house. No one so far and he does not know what is gone forever.
At night, he is basking in the cellars of the capital, and the day was eating what is in dumpsters ...
From friends Olga learned that there is a service "Social Watch" in Kiev, where you can get help in trouble.
We do not get tired of repeating: in difficult life circumstances people are not on their own and often need support!